The Importance of Selenium
The Importance of Se
Se is an essential micro element in humans & animals (also thought to be essential in plants).
Required for the production of selenoproteins.
GEx is an example - antioxidant enzyme preventing damage to cell membranes.
The Importance of Se
Selenoproteins are associated with Thyroid function, which affects animal growth.
Selenoproteins are essential in fertility/reproduction.
Selenoproteins are an essential part of the immune system assisting in the suppression of clinical and sub-clinical disease, and the overcoming of production stress (cold tolerance, poor feed level).
Deficiency Symptoms
Common deficiency symptoms in Livestock:
White muscle disease in calves & lambs.
Infertility – conception, sperm mobility, retained placentas, abortions.
Performance – poor live weight gains; poor meat, wool & milk production.
Disease susceptibility – mastitis, high SCC.
Selenium in Human Health
200ug per day for 10 years.
63% reduction in prostate cancer (90% in group with lowest Se levels <106ug/L).
58% reduction in bowel cancer.
46% reduction in lung cancer.
50% reduction in cancer mortality.