About Selenium
The Importance of Selenium (Se)
Se is an essential micro element in humans and animals (also thought to be essential in plants).
Source of Selenium?
The natural source of Se is through the food. The food Se level is dependant on the soil Se status.
Selenium Supplementation
The first step is to have the herd tested for blood Se levels to establish the level of sufficiency.
Only a sample number of animals need to be tested – 2 animals from each category (eg. dry, early lactation, heifers etc.)
Repeat the test annually, at least, to monitor Se levels.
Avoid over-supplementation by a variety of methods.
An annual application of Selcote Ultra will provide a base level of Se supply to all stock; other methods should only be used for strategic purposes.
Methods of Supplementing Se
Injection: short acting (3-6 weeks).
Added to the concentrate feed.
Fertilizing the pasture.
The time Se stays in an animal’s system cannot be proven accurately at this stage. The rule of thumb is that Se stays in an animal’s system for approximately 6 weeks after injection. Be advised to inject animals up to 3 times per year; one month before breeding, calving and weaning.