Source of Selenium
Source of Selenium?
The natural source of Se is through the food.
The food Se level is dependant on the soil Se status.
Highly leached soils in high rainfall areas & those derived from Se poor parent material are likely to be Se poor.
In SA, soils along the Eastern seaboard are prime candidates as well as intensively farmed soils under irrigation.
Soil Se levels <300 ppb would be severely deficient.
Factors affecting Selenium uptake
The uptake of Se by grasses is generally good & is more efficient than legumes.
Most fodder crops (roots, grains, forage) take up similar levels of Se to grasses (ryegrass, Eragrostis). Uptake in maize silage is similar to ryegrass.
Selenium will leach under heavy precipitation (heavy rain, irrigation).
Some forms of lime interfere with the uptake of selenium.
High crop yields will dilute the Se content (e.g. spring flush).
Recycled Se is bound-up in the soil by the OM & by the soil colloids & is rendered unavailable to the plant.